Research Personal Sites

 Home/Landing Page: I really liked the look of a slightly dramatic, black and white picture as the first thing when you open the page. I think it adds an eye-catching factor without being too over-bearing. I would prefer to have some sort of slogan or motto on the black and white image as well. Other than that I dont think i want anything else on the home page that is too distracting. Ill probably just have the links to the other sections of the website. I think i will have a small bio about myself and a link to my resume.

About Me/Bio Info: I want this to be as straightforward and professional as possible. I think if i have a full page on this i'm going to break down my bio into a couple different portions that talk about growing up, jobs i have worked, hobbies and similar fields that go a bit more indepth.

Resume: Resume.docx, I would like this to transition from the about me to my resume. One of the websites had a fantastic transition from their bio to their resume and I would like to show a smoothness in transition. I will probably make another page that displays my full resume so users dont have to pull download anything if they dont want to.

Portfolio (various work by student: writing, design, art, photography, research, experience, etc.): I think for this portion I sort of want to have maybe a picture or two, maybe a paper I'm really proud of, but then add. to it. I know over my working career I'll have more designs I have to make and I think that if im actively adding stuff to my online profile rather than something I was just trying to make an A on this page will look much cleaner. I also want a small bio for each image as I know there probably won't be a ton of images to put in my portfolio.

Social Media Research Page (preparing for Student Symposium Panel.)


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