Black Mirror Reflections & Research

What does it mean? Black Mirror is a rating system. It allows people to be rated 24/7 on what they do, how they do it, how they act or talk, etc. Every action they take can be graded by others.
What will you think or do differently? If this would actually happen, I don't think I would change much. To be completely honest, I try to portray myself in a favorable manner as often as possible. Maybe making sure I watch the way I talk to people, so I don't come off as too sarcastic, or I make sure I set alarms for class, so I can get there on time 😂 Other than that, I have always tried to be responsible and sensible while in public, or I at least try my best.
How do you feel about this information in relation to your current project of Personal Branding your Social Media? It is certainly an interesting discussion right now. It makes me very mindful of what I'm putting on my social media bio or page, as I wouldn't want to get a bad grade for an inappropriate meme or something along those lines. However, for the most part, I'm still very cautious about what I post; when we did the background check on our social media, I only had 16 posts flagged, and some of those were just the a.i. being super cautious.


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